
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cycle 3 of TTS

It's Saturday and I'm wrapping up my second week off from chemo. And it sure is nice. Feel good, have energy, not moody, etc, etc. I rode to work yesterday and have been working out.  On Monday we saw Berenson. He was pretty darn happy with my latest labs. The treanda is doing the trick. We discussed how myeloma evolves and becomes immune to drugs that had previously worked. But he also said that myeloma, when a patient relapses, sometimes remains sensitive to what previously worked. And that's what is going on with me. And that is what we wanted. We rolled the dice a bit and went back to treanda/bendamustine to see if we can beat the cancer back down. And it's working. Which I great, so I can save the new drugs for later...if/when I relapse again.

And the great thing is that Treanda The Sequel (TTS) is working so well, that we'll do one more cycle and if there is another similar drop in numbers, as we had after the last cycle, then it's back to maintenance. This is great news.  This treanda is tough, it kicks my ass. That's why this week has been so nice, no drugs being pumped into my body, no steroids. It's just me being me.

I start up again on Tuesday. Then it's 3 weeks of all the yuckiness that goes with the treatment. But knowing that I'm approaching maintenance makes it totally doable. I'm not saying that people don't need to tread lightly around me. I'm just saying it gives me comfort knowing I'm going back to maintenance soon enough.

Our fund raising for the Institute of Myeloma and Blood Cancer Research is coming along. I set an ambitious goal of $10,000. We're almost at $1,300 with a month to go. It's achievable!!  Here's the link one more time for those who want to contribute something.

We are fast approaching May 2. That is my 3 year cancerversary. Rolling right along.

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Berenson Oncology Success Rate

 Some reading about my myeloma specialist's success rate. A press release and an article from Targeted Oncology.